LIFE launches 2016 call for action grants: more than €330 million available

Vie, 22/07/2016 - 12:10
Patio del Hospital Real centrado en la vista de la torre tomada desde abajo

The LIFE programme launched two calls for proposals, underlining its commitment to supporting projects that protect the environment and tackle the impact of climate change.

The 2016 call for action grants for the LIFE programme was launched on 19 May 2016 and covers proposals for both environment and climate action sub-programmes.

The total budget for project action grants for this call is €337 536 184. Of this amount, €273 936 184 has been allocated to the sub-programme for environment and €63 600 000 has been allocated to the sub-programme for climate action. At least 55% of the environment allocation will be dedicated to projects supporting the conservation of nature and biodiversity.

Innovations in the 2016 call concern Traditional LIFE projects. These include more emphasis on sustainability and replicability and more attention to second phase projects and the relation with other projects financed by LIFE.

Both summaries and full details of all new features of the 2016 call are included in the application guides.

For further information about the 2016 call for action grants, go to the 2016 call page on the LIFE website.

Applications are welcomed from public bodies, private commercial organisations and private non-commercial organisations (NGOs).

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) is organizing an international Information Day to meet all Brussels based stakeholders and interested parties to explain everything you need to know to prepare and submit a successful LIFE proposal.

More information following this link.